
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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Recent revisions

11. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden>

* New upstream bugfix release.
  - Fixes Google Reader authentication. Closes: #586926.
  - Launches links with commas in the external browser. Closes: #588959.
* debian/source/format,
  - Switch to source format 3.0 (quilt).
* debian/patches/debian-example-feeds:
  - Drop debaday.debian.net and times.debian.net since they are down.
    Closes: #588173.
* debian/control:
  - Standards-Version is 3.9.0, no changes needed.
  - Only build depend on libnm-glib-dev on linux-any.

10. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden>

* New upstream bugfix release.
  - debian/patches/relibtoolize:
    + Removed, no longer needed.
* debian/rules:
  - Backup config.sub and config.guess and restore them in the clean

9. By Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <email address hidden>

* New upstream release. Closes: #567529.
  - Hides link cosmos for items that don't have a valid url, instead of
    displaying it and crashing when clicked. Closes: #539857.
  - Fixes proxy authentication. Closes: #561077.
  - Remembers font size again. Closes: #560201.
* debian/patches/relibtoolize:
  - Relibtoolize to fix an issue with the 1.6.2 tarball. This can be
    removed in the next release.
* debian/patches/series:
  - Apply libtool-dont-rearange-as-needed after the relibtoolize patch so
    that it has any effect.
* debian/control:
  - Update my email address.
  - Standards-Version is 3.8.4, no changes needed.
  - Conflict with gwget << 1.0.2. Closes: #533659.

8. By Rodrigo Gallardo

* New upstream releases.
  - 1.6.0~rc7 Miscelaneous bug fixes (Closes: #525368, #537295, #537332).
  - 1.6.0 Upstream stable release (Closes: #538250, #536816).

7. By Rodrigo Gallardo

[ Luis Rodrigo Gallardo Cruz ]
* Change section to web.
* Add Emilio to Uploaders. This release is happening thanks to him.

[ Emilio Pozuelo Monfort ]
* New upstream release.
  - Don't refer to old directory after upgrades. Closes: #471346.
  - Provide a configuration option to enable/disable browser plugins.
    Closes: #509249.
* debian/rules:
  + liferea-bin is gone, don't install a manpage symlink for it.
  + Don't build with -O2 if noopt is in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS. Closes: #525367.
* debian/control:
  + Suggest network-manager. Closes: #526636.
  + Build-depend on libsoup2.4 >= 2.26.1.
  + Standards-Version is 3.8.2, no changes needed.
* debian/menu:
  + Small improvements from Nelson A. de Oliveira, thanks! Closes: #526865.
* debian/shlibs.local:
  + Removed. The workaround is not needed anymore as it was fixed in libsoup
    2.26.0, and we build-depend on 2.26.1.
* debian/copyright:
  + Updated.

6. By Rodrigo Gallardo

* New upstream release.
 - Rebase debian-example-feeds patch.
 - Remove libxul-dev_ftbfs patch, it's merged upstream.
* Updated standards version to 3.8.1. No changes.
* liferea-dbg package is section: debug.
* Add postinst snippets to replace leftover
  /usr/share/doc/liferea{,-dbg} dirs with symlinks to
  /usr/share/doc/liferea-data (Closes: #521047).

5. By Neil McGovern

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Disable webkit plugin as it's not releasing with lenny

4. By Rodrigo Gallardo

* Remove the GtkHTML rendering plugin. This plugin is basically unusable
on 64bit architectures. liferea-gtkhtml is now just a dummy package for
upgrades (Closes: #379900, #407152, #361376, #368866).
* Remove upstream's NEWS file, it contains only version release dates.

3. By David Moreno

* New upstream release (Closes: #299246).
 - Liferea is not using Firefox's module since gtkembedmoz is not
   implemented on mozilla-firefox package, atm.
* Added updated german translation (Closes: #295017).
* RDF adding is working properly now (Closes: #298906).
* Transport error is working properly now (Closes: #299036).
* Reduced long descriptions of unneeded text.

2. By christophe barbe <email address hidden>

* New upstream release.
* Fixed tooltip in menubar (Closes: #255297).
* Fixed HTTP Authentication (Closes: #252091).

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