
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

16. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release:
   - Fixed FindRelatedEvents.
   - Added support for upgrading from schema version 3 (LP: #986191).
   - Fixed two segmentation faults in FTS (LP: #954171).
   - Make sure Xapian is closed before releasing the bus name (LP: #989657).
* Update debian/copyright.

15. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release. Some of the changes are:
   - Updated MIME-type mappings.
   - Added a query result size limit.
   - Enhanced database/index corruption recovery.
   - Don't index events from Ubuntu One.

14. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release:
   - Storage Monitor: Add support for Network Manager 0.9 (LP: #841764).
   - Allow "*" in subject_text (interpreted as plain text).
   - Remove input size limitation from DeleteEvents.
   - Python: Fix the Event constructor to support copying Event instances.
   - Python: Correctly specify the D-Bus interface when introspecting.
* Update debian/copyright.

13. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release:
   - Fix problem when replacing an existing Zeitgeist instance (LP: #809569).
   - Fix possible crash when zeitgeist-datahub isn't available (LP: #791392).
   - Python API: fix regression affecting get_version and get_extensions
     (Closes: #634306).
   - Added Esperanto translation by Kristjan Schmidt (Closes: #633421).
* Switch from dh_pysupport to dh_python2.

12. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release. Some of the changes are:
   - Database backup before attempting schema upgrades (LP: #660307).
   - Ensure the engine doesn't attempt to close twice in a row (LP: #793714).
   - Improve the Python API's behavior when Zeitgeist is restarted.
   - Added support for registering custom Event and Subject subclasses with
     ZeitgeistClient (LP: #799199), and added some new API methods.
* debian/control:
   - Fix typo in the description (hold -> held). Thanks to Travis Reddell.

11. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release. Some of the changes are:
 - Fixed secondary sorting by timestamp for most ResultTypes (LP: #772041).
 - Enabled filtering by availability in FindEvents.
 - Added event origin and current_uri properties (LP: #425258, ...) with
   corresponding ResultTypes and MoveEvent handling (LP: #602211).
 - Fixed inconsistencies caused by the internal cache not being updated when
   events were deleted (LP: #598666).
 - Added a Storage Monitor extension which tracks network connectivity and
   removable devices (LP: #489194).
 - Fixed datahub launching to avoid zombie processes (LP: #739780).
 - Replaced the Blacklist extension giving it a more capable API
   (LP: #612344).
 - Simplified log output (LP: #744818, ...).
 - Fixed bug in the connection (to Zeitgeist) recovery code (LP: #771970).
* debian/control:
 - Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2.

10. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release. Some of the changes are:
   - Expose property information through D-Bus instrospection.
   - Expose DataSourceRegistry's enabled status in a callback.
   - Python API: Reinstall all active callbacks upon daemon restart.
   - Fix a (harmless) race condition requesting the bus name (LP: #732015).
   - Added new event interpretations (AcceptEvent, DenyEvent, ExpireEvent).
   - Compatibility with future 0.8 release.

9. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release. Some of the changes are:
   - Various performance improvements (speed, reduced I/O, etc).
   - Enhancements to the extensions system (eg. feature to ask which
     extensions are active).
   - Various bug fixes (eg. fixed find_event_for_template Python API method).
   - Added new mimetype mappings.
* Updated debian/copyright and debian/zeitgeist-core.install.

8. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release:
   - Added support for negation ("!<text>") and right wildcards ("<text>*")
     to many query fields. Also added type expansion (eg.: Image matches
     VectorImage and RasterImage).
   - Fixed DeleteEvents to work with arbitrarily huge amounts of IDs.
   - Several ontology changes (renamed interpretation values). Support for
     automatic database format upgrades.
   - Other fixes, improvements, new API functionalities and translations.
* Notable changes backported from bzr:
   - Extensions found in the extensions directory are now automatically loaded.
   - Let the GtkRecentlyUsed data-source ignore any exceptions while trying to
     parse .desktop files (LP: #523761).
* Update debian/control (add raptor-utils and python-rdflib to the build
  dependencies) and debian/zeitgeist-core.install.

7. By Siegfried Gevatter

* New upstream release:
   - Added new ReturnTypes ({Most,Least}{PopularActor,RecentActor}).
   - Added DataSourceRegistry extension and support for extensions
     identifying callers (when methods are executed through D-Bus).
   - Overhauled FindRelatedUris for better results and improved performance.
   - Several other changes and bug fixes (LP: #549567, #531793).
* debian/control, debian/rules:
   - Get ride of CDBS (switch to dh7).
   - Bump Standards-Version to 3.8.4.
* Add debian/source/format file with content "1.0".

Branch metadata

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