
Created by James Westby and last modified
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Recent revisions

68. By Matthias Klose

Regenerate the control file to fix build dependencies on mips/mipsel.

67. By Matthias Klose

Remove the autoconf Xp check.

66. By Matthias Klose

* IcedTea 1.11.4 release.
* Security fixes
  - S7162476, CVE-2012-1682: XMLDecoder security issue via ClassFinder.
  - S7163201, CVE-2012-0547: Simplify toolkit internals references.
* Remove architecture specific nss-*.cfg configuration files.
  Closes: #681631.

65. By Matthias Klose

Disable running the jdk tests on sparc (hangs). Nobody really cares
about sparc, and this lets the build succeed.

64. By Matthias Klose

* IcedTea 1.11.3 release.
* Security fixes. Closes: #677487.
  - S7079902, CVE-2012-1711: Refine CORBA data models.
  - S7110720: Issue with vm config file loadingIssue with vm config file
  - S7143606, CVE-2012-1717: File.createTempFile should be improved for
    temporary files created by the platform.
  - S7143614, CVE-2012-1716: SynthLookAndFeel stability improvement.
  - S7143617, CVE-2012-1713: Improve fontmanager layout lookup operations.
  - S7143851, CVE-2012-1719: Improve IIOP stub and tie generation in RMIC.
  - S7143872, CVE-2012-1718: Improve certificate extension processing.
  - S7145239: Finetune package definition restriction.
  - S7152811, CVE-2012-1723: Issues in client compiler.
  - S7157609, CVE-2012-1724: Issues with loop.
  - S7160677: missing else in fix for 7152811.
  - S7160757, CVE-2012-1725: Problem with hotspot/runtime_classfile.

63. By Matthias Klose

* Build using gcc-4.4 on mips, mipsel.
* Don't mark the -demo package as Multi-Arch same. Closes: #670036.

62. By Matthias Klose

Do not apply patches/revert-6885123.patch. Closes: #638805. LP: #981037.

61. By Matthias Klose

* Install desktop files again, using the common /usr/bin/java
  interpreter name. LP: #969322.
* Build-depend on libpng-dev for newer releases. Closes: #662452.
* Let dlopen handle finding the libpcsclite library. LP: #898689.
* Build-depend on fonts-ipafont-mincho, fixing a build failure in the
  fontconfig compiler (find out why it breaks ...).
* Build using gcc-4.7/gcj-4.7 for sid/wheezy.

60. By Matthias Klose

* Use NanumMyeongjo as the preferred korean font. LP: #792471.
  Closes: #655167.
* Fix java path in jexec for multiarch builds.
* Fix crash in java.net.NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() when
  ifr_ifindex exceeds 255. LP: #925218. S7078386.
* Remove javaws and pluginappletviewer alternatives on upgrade from
  squeeze. Closes: #660604.
* Use IPAfont as the preferred japanesse font. Closes: #646054.
* Build using gcj on alpha and armel. Closes: #655750.
* Drop build dependency on libxp-dev. Closes: #623667.

59. By Matthias Klose

* Update from the IcedTea6-1.12 branch (20120222).
* Build using gcc/gcj-4.4 on mips and sparc again.
* Remove build dependency on libxp-dev.

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