
Created by James Westby and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/debian/foo2zjs
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Recent revisions

42. By Didier Raboud

[ Peter De Wachter ]
* Fix laserjet1018 appearance and disappearance loop: (Closes: #663868)
  - update the 30-udev-rules.patch to add an 'ACTION="add"' to avoid running
    the firmware upload script on unplug,
  - add patch 97-hplj1000-fix-firmware-upload-infite-loop.patch to ignore the
    irrelevant events and thus cut the loop short.

41. By Didier Raboud

Put tix to Recommends on Debian and to Suggests on Ubuntu and derivatives

40. By Didier Raboud

* New 20140925 upstream release.

* DFSG repack (no changes from previous releases).
  - remove binary file c5200mono.prn
  - remove crd/qpdl/CLP* , because copyright is unclear
* Refresh patches
* Push the system-lcms patch from Michael up the pile

39. By Michael Gilbert <email address hidden>

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Use psicc from lcms2 (closes: #757384).

38. By Didier Raboud

* Add autopkgtest suite
* Use the Debian-provided liblcms1
  - Add liblcms1-dev to Build-Depends;
  - Add 20-system-liblcms.patch.

37. By Didier Raboud

* New 20140519 upstream release.

* DFSG repack (no changes from previous releases).
  - remove binary file c5200mono.prn
  - remove crd/qpdl/CLP* , because copyright is unclear
* Refresh patches to fix three more typos and hyphen-as-minus.

36. By Didier Raboud

* New 20140322 upstream release.

* DFSG repack (no changes from previous releases).
  - remove binary file c5200mono.prn
  - remove crd/qpdl/CLP* , because copyright is unclear

35. By Didier Raboud

* New 20140302 upstream release.

* DFSG repack (no changes from previous releases).
  - remove binary file c5200mono.prn
  - remove crd/qpdl/CLP* , because copyright is unclear

* Move the repository from collab-maint to printing; update the VCS-* fields
* Refresh patches

34. By Didier Raboud

* New 20140209 upstream release.

* DFSG repack (no changes from previous releases).
  - remove binary file c5200mono.prn
  - remove crd/qpdl/CLP* , because copyright is unclear

* Use dh_pyppd's --archive-filename option instead of renaming the
  archive by hand
* Refresh patches, update the spelling fixes'
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.5 without changes needed

33. By Didier Raboud

Move the ppd-updater cups trigger to -common, where it belongs

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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