
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/debian/jessie/pristine-tar
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Recent revisions

30. By gregor herrmann

* QA upload.
* Fix "depend on perl instead of perl-modules":
  debian/control: update Depends to use ${perl:Depends} which gets expanded
  to 'perl' by dh_perl.
  (Closes: #779116)

29. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>

Orphaned the package.

28. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>

Build on Hurd without needing PATH_MAX defined. Closes: #738670
Thanks, Svante Signell

27. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>

* Set GIT_WORK_TREE when committing to make it work when inside
  a git submodule. Thanks, Victor Vasiliev. Closes: #726007
* Work around change in longlink fields in tar 1.27,
  and depend on version -3 which adds PRISTINE_TAR_COMPAT.
  Closes: #726963

26. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>

Update lintian overrides.

25. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>

pristine-xz: Use xz --robot to extract information from xz files,
avoiding the need to do more expensive guessing. Support --block-list
when available to reproduce multi block files.
Closes: #677250 Thanks, Vincent Ladeuil

24. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>

* Remove unused fts.h include. Closes: #675367
* pristine-xz: Add --check=sha256 and compression levels 0 and 0e.
  Closes: #677241 Thanks, Vincent Ladeuil

23. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>

pristine-xz: Add --check=crc32 to list of allowed parameters.

22. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>

* Detect git submodules procuded by recent git, where .git is a file,
  not a directory. Closes: #666033
* pristine-xz: Handle CRC32 files made with PylibLZMA. Thanks, Mike Miller
  Closes: #662129, #660783

21. By Joey Hess <email address hidden>

Store the sha1 of the tree that is being committed, rather than
a sha1 of a commit or other object that points to the tree.
This makes committed tarballs more resilient against git filter-branch
when it's only used to change commit metadata. Closes: #467288

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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