- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/debian/jessie/libfreenect
Branch information
- Owner:
- Ubuntu branches
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 9. By Yaroslav Halchenko
* debian/patches
- correct-libusb- path.patch - "reintroduced" to fix a single left-out
versioned include of libusb.h . Should resolve FTBFS on kfreeebsd
(Closes: #728483) - 8. By Yaroslav Halchenko
* Fresh upstream release
- support of newer Kinect models (Closes: #723939). Thanks Andrew Harvey
for the report
- packaged is actually v0.2.0-1-g5eed1f0 (i.e. 1 commit after release tag)
to have correct version specified to cmake
- public library API dropped some functions (retained in the source but
marked as 'hidden'), SOVERSION boosted to 0.2
* debian/patches
- add-missing-libs.patch and modify- fakenect- install. patch -- updated
- removed (absorbed upstream):
build-on-big- endian- systems- again.patch
cameras-memcpy- structs- into-aligned- buffer. patch
correct-libusb- search- and-include. patch
remove-libusb- include- from-exported- header. patch
* debian/copyright
- updated to include wrappers/ruby/ffi- libfreenect copyright/license
(Thanks Paul Tagliamonte for the review/report) - 7. By Yaroslav Halchenko
[ Nicolas Bourdaud ]
* Make build system compatible with multiarch:
- dont-postfix-to-install- libdir. patch becomes use-standard- libdir. patch
* Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
* Add multiarch support.
* Remove useless section fields from debian/control.
* Use dh_python2 instead of dh_pysupport.
* Update manpages with keyboard shortcuts. (Closes: #663869) - 6. By Yaroslav Halchenko
[ Nicolas Bourdaud ]
* Execute dh_numpy for python-freenect to fix lintian error
* Bump policy version to 3.9.3 -- no changes
* Update remove-libusb- include- from-exported- header. patch to fix warnings
about undeclared struct timeval when using libfreenect.h - 5. By Yaroslav Halchenko
[ Nicolas Bourdaud ]
* Improved the package description.
* Drop outdated libglut3-dev from Build-Depends
* Add libfreenect-doc to the dependencies of freenect metapackage
* Remove the paragraph about conflict with kernel module in README.Debian - 4. By Yaroslav Halchenko
[ Nicolas Bourdaud ]
* [03039eb] Remove useless explicit dependencies (e.g. libglut3) of
binary packages (Closes: #616525)[ Yaroslav Halchenko]
* Moved GPL-2 license stud to a separate paragraph
* Boosted policy compliance to 3.9.2 -- no changes
* Moved numpy into Depends from Suggests (Closes: #641792)
* Added Build-Depends on python-support and call to dh_pysupport in
binary-install (Closes: #632062) - 2. By Yaroslav Halchenko
* Initial release for Debian (Closes: #606831)
* Cherry-picked (into .orig.tar.gz) from upstream to resolve licensing
- [9cdc713] Removed old, unused kinect protocol documentation, as all
info now exists on wiki and should be exported from there as needed
- [3390f9b] Added BSD license into libusb-1.0 finder for compliance
- [0a165cf] Carry pre-generated CONTRIB to be distributed/installed
under /u/s/doc/*freenect* to fulfill upstream license requirement
* [64cb9a2] debian/copyright: migrated to DEP5 format
- added missing statement for cmake_modules/Findlibusb- 1.0.cmake
* [f34b2ea] added debian/blends and injected into the debian-science
task files
* [17eb497] pruning done debian/TODO items
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/debian/libfreenect