
Created by Ubuntu Package Importer and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/debian/experimental/mudlet
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Branch information

Ubuntu branches

Recent revisions

15. By Craig Small

* New upstream release
  - Fixes data corruption issue
* Added menu item Closes: #737973

14. By Craig Small

* New upstream beta release
* Fixed typo in description Closes: #749858

13. By Craig Small

* Updated to standards 3.9.4
* Fixed lua related dependencies Closes: #723766

12. By Craig Small

* New upstream release
  - open telnet support for extending mud protocols
  - new mud: slothmud
  - mapper has doors and door weights
* GeyserSetConstraints protected against locale problems Closes:

11. By Craig Small

* New upstream release
* Require epoch otherwise RC appear newer
* Fixed locale-related problem with startup scripts Closes: #646404

10. By Craig Small

* Removed dependency on luajit Closes: #680134
* Updated to standards version 3.9.3
* Updated to debhelper 9

9. By Scott Kitterman

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Add missing include to fix FTBFS with Qt 4.8 (Closes: #661946)
  - Thanks to Andreas Moog from Ubuntu for the patch

8. By Craig Small

Linked to yajl2 Closes: #653880

7. By Craig Small

* New upstream release
* Control file uses luajit on available arches Closes: #644649

6. By Craig Small

* Conditionally compiles against lua or luajit Closes: #644649
* Changed ifdef so it is conditional on GLIBC and not Linux Closes:

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
