
Created by Iain Lane and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~ubuntu-art-pkg/ubuntu-wallpapers/ubuntu-groovy
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Branch information

Ubuntu Artwork Packagers

Recent revisions

640. By Iain Lane

Finalise changelog for groovy

639. By Iain Lane

* Backport to groovy.
* Update Vcs-* fields.

638. By Iain Lane

Finalise changelog

637. By Iain Lane

Add a top-level changelog entry

636. By Iain Lane

Add Groovy's default coloured wallpaper to d/copyright

635. By Iain Lane

How did that 'a' get there?

634. By Iain Lane

The upstream version needs to be bumped as we are modifying upstream files

633. By Iain Lane

Fix a typo in the name of
Abstract_Painting_Photo_by_Pierre_Châtel-Innocenti.jpg. There was a space
instead of an underscore. (LP: #1901367)

632. By Iain Lane

Fix the symlink for the greyscale default wallpaper. (LP: #1901353)

631. By Iain Lane

debian/copyright: List the Gorilla too

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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