- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~tualatrix/ibentu/gwibber
Branch merges
Recent revisions
- 60. By Ken VanDine
* New upstream release
- Re-enable the first run experience, if there are no accounts configured
run gwibber-accounts (LP: #654811) - 59. By Ken VanDine
* debian/
patches/ lp_report_ to_ubuntu. patch
- Fixed urls for translate and gethelp to be maverick specific,
thanks Omer Akram (LP: #641808)
* debian/patches/ lp_653225. patch
- Don't try to store the locale and reset it after parsing the
timestamp, this was causing a failure to retrieve any messages
for anyone with a locale set without encoding. For example en_IN
instead of en_IN.UTF-8 which seems to be pretty common (LP: #653225) - 58. By Ken VanDine
* New upstream release
- Hide appmenu stubs for preferences and accounts
* debian/patches/ hide_appmenu_ stubs.patch
- Patch dropped, included in release - 57. By Ken VanDine
* debian/
patches/ hide_appmenu_ stubs.patch
- Hide appmenu stubs for preferences and accounts - 56. By Ken VanDine
* New upstream release
- Don't crash if an account exists for a service that isn't available
- Don't fail if user["url"] is None
- Really quit when quit is selected (LP: #603598)
- Don't block the UI on map_async, fixes dbus call_blocking()
exceptions (LP: #628686) - 55. By Ken VanDine
* New upstream release
- Fixed render stream when font settings change, thanks Vadim
Rutkovsky (LP: #580417)
- Only set the font when there is a default font set (LP: #534098)
- Disable plugins for all the webkit.WebView instances, apparently it
can consume lots of CPU (LP: #629368)
- Translation fixes from Vadim Rutkovsky - 54. By Ken VanDine
* debian/
patches/ abount_ window. patch
- Set the about dialog as transient for the main window, cleans up
menus using appmenu - 53. By Ken VanDine
* New upstream release
- Make authentication and network errors translatable, thanks Vadim
Rutkovsky (LP: #633411)
- Removed unnecessary stream update when send_enabled is toggled, thanks
Vadim Rutkovsky (LP: #636290)
- Improved notification settings in gwibber-preferences (LP: #621646) - 52. By Ken VanDine
* New upstream release
- Don't crash if there are streams configured for accounts that no longer
exist (LP: #631263)
- Delete associated streams when an account is deleted
- Reuse worker pool of threads (LP: #624918)
- Ensure the timer is reset on each refresh, prevents multiple timers
created to perform the refresh operations causing crashes (LP: #600010)
- Clicking on the message indicator should focus replies (LP: #549817)
- When focusing replies stream from the indicator, clear the
indicators (LP: #629623)
- gwibber-service crashed with IOError in get_avatar_path() (LP: #626068)
- gwibber-service crashed with GError in notify() (LP: #622812)
* debian/gwibber- service. py
- Added apport package-hook to attach the gwibber.log (LP: #384552)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ibentu