
Created by Chris Glass and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~tribaal/ubuntu/utopic/ubumirror/upstream-0.5-release
Only Chris Glass can upload to this branch. If you are Chris Glass please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Chris Glass

Recent revisions

58. By Chris Glass

New upstream release (LP: #1358349)

57. By Chris Glass

* New upstream release (LP: #1341523)
  - Crontab example is now up to date (LP: #595320)
  - Harmful extra "exculde" does not exist anymore (LP: #939379)
* debian/control:
  - Bump standards-version to 3.9.5 (no changes)
  - Bump debhelper to 9
  - Drop obsolete XS-Upstream-Vcs-Bzr field
  - Set myself as maintainer
* debian/compat: Bump to 9

56. By Emmet Hikory

ubuports: restore missing \ to second rsync call

55. By Emmet Hikory

ubuports: restore missing \ to first rsync call

54. By Jonathan Davies

* 0.3ubuntu1 update.

[ Jonathan Davies ]
* Remove trace files which aren't upstream by default.

[ Emmet Hikory ]
* Mirror configurable set of cdimage flavours, rather
  than just Ubuntu Desktop live and alternate

53. By Jonathan Davies

* 0.2ubuntu1 update.

[ Jonathan Davies ]
* Use exec tricks to log all output to file.
* Improved wording.

[ Nafallo Bjälevik ]
* Stop removing other people's trace files globally in all scripts.

52. By Loïc Minier

* Use dh_clean instead of dh_prep in clean:.
* Rename Vcs-Bzr to XS-Upstream-Vcs-Bzr since Ubuntu uploaders can't
  commit to it; since lp:ubuntu/ubumirror is derived from the upstream
  branch, it should be easy to resync.
* Bump up Standards-Version to 3.8.3.
* Rewrite rules to use dh, debian/*.install, and to drop debian/dirs.

51. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 0.1.1ubuntu1

50. By Michael Vogt

merged from trunk

49. By Michael Vogt

* debian/control:
  - remove debianutils from depends, its essential
  - fix typo
  - point VCS-Bzr link to trunk
* debian/rules:
  - add empty binary-arch target to make lintian happy
  - change dh_clean -k to dh_prep

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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