
Created by Selene ToyKeeper and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~toykeeper/qakit/add-pt-to-html
Only Selene ToyKeeper can upload to this branch. If you are Selene ToyKeeper please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Selene ToyKeeper

Recent revisions

21. By Selene ToyKeeper

merged updates from trunk

20. By Selene ToyKeeper

Renamed pt-to-html to pt-export.

19. By Selene ToyKeeper

Added ability to filter during conversion, and to dump external IDs.
Made it easier to filter client-side html by automated status.

18. By Selene ToyKeeper

Ensure row colors will still alternate after a search.

17. By Selene ToyKeeper

Added a script to export all current PT projects.

16. By Selene ToyKeeper

Small bug fix in filter function; could match strings which spanned multiple html tags.
Allowed linewrap in "domain" column.
Minor code cleaning.

15. By Selene ToyKeeper

Fixed pep8 lint complaints.
(except for the ones relating to vim's indent settings
 and commented-out lines of code)

14. By Selene ToyKeeper

Added support for new test suite schema. Choose a schema based on project ID.
Added a count of matching tests in current view.

13. By Selene ToyKeeper

Added -r / --regenerate CLI option.
PT can only export every 2 hours, so it helps to be able to control
whether the export is re-requested or not.

12. By Selene ToyKeeper

Made details much wider (is its own table row, made some code more complex),
made entire row clickable to expand/collapse details,
made search filter each word individually,
added expand/collapse all links.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
