
Created by Selene ToyKeeper and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~toykeeper/flashlight-firmware/fsm
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Selene ToyKeeper
Flashlight Firmware Repository

Recent revisions

490. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

merged lume1 branch for LoneOceans' FW3A-Lume1 driver support

489. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

minor update to anduril-ui.png (added clarification of what "3H" means)

488. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

reduced temperature limit for Noctigon K1-12V, to avoid overheating the boost circuit

487. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

steps.py: fixed python3 floating-point error
(division of integers produces floats in python3, but not python2... so make int result explicit)

486. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

attempt to fix laggy voltage readings right after waking, on FW3A
(with no sleep ticks, the voltage value never gets reset to the raw value,
 and instead only goes through the lowpass filter)
(this fix is not yet tested... will test before uploading)
(also carries a risk of messing up thermal values after being asleep,
 so that needs to be tested too)

485. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

merged Emisar D4v2.5 build targets with Noctigon KR4 build targets
(because they're close enough that they can use the same code)

484. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

merged trunk

483. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

merged Emisar D4v2.5 branch (D4v2 with KR4 driver, mostly for E21A version)

482. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

added a PRODUCTS file mapping from product names to firmware types and build targets

481. By Selene Scriven <email address hidden>

merged in support for Noctigon K1-SBT90.2

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
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