- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~tobi-coldtobi/drizzle/trunk-bug-925904
Branch merges
- Drizzle Trunk: Pending requested
Diff: 20 lines (+4/-0)1 file modifiedplugin/mysql_unix_socket_protocol/protocol.cc (+4/-0)
Related bugs
Related blueprints
Recent revisions
- 2581. By coldtobi
Fix from Debian for Debian bug 631107, mysql_unix_
socket_ protocol : socket file (/tmp/mysql.sock) has wrong permissions. LP #925904
- 2580. By Drizzle Continuous Integration
plugin/logging_ query/tests/
plugin/logging_ query/tests/ parse-query- log.sh
plugin/logging_ query/tests/ r/
plugin/logging_ query/tests/ r/file. result
plugin/logging_ query/tests/ r/thresholds. result
plugin/logging_ query/tests/ t/
plugin/logging_ query/tests/ t/file. test
plugin/logging_ query/tests/ t/master. opt
plugin/logging_ query/tests/ t/thresholds. test
plugin/logging_ query/logging_ query.cc
pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions)
Anshu Kumar 2012-07-10 Removed hard coded file paths in test suite - 2579. By Drizzle Continuous Integration
plugin/syslog/ errmsg. cc
plugin/syslog/ errmsg. h
plugin/syslog/ function. cc
plugin/syslog/ function. h
plugin/syslog/ logging. cc
plugin/syslog/ logging. h
plugin/syslog/ module. cc
plugin/syslog/ wrap.cc
plugin/syslog/ wrap.h
pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions)
Anshu Kumar 2012-08-06 Sysvars changed to public variable to remove setter functions - 2578. By Drizzle Continuous Integration
drizzled/lex_input_ stream. h
drizzled/sql_lex. cc
drizzled/sql_parse. cc
drizzled/statement/ execute. cc
pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions)
Olaf van der Spek 2012-05-31 Use str_ref - 2576. By Drizzle Continuous Integration
drizzled/signal_ handler. cc
drizzled/signal_ handler. h
pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions)
denisboyun 2012-06-07 [merge] Ctrl-C/Z are worked(resolve conflict) - 2575. By Drizzle Continuous Integration
plugin/logging_ gearman/ docs/index. rst
plugin/logging_ gearman/ logging_ gearman. cc
pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions)
Anshu Kumar 2012-06-20 Few changes in code. Documentation added for functions. - 2574. By Drizzle Continuous Integration
drizzled/catalog/ instance. h
drizzled/cursor. cc
drizzled/identifier/ catalog. h
drizzled/identifier/ constants/ schema. cc
drizzled/identifier/ schema. cc
drizzled/identifier/ schema. h
drizzled/identifier/ table.cc
drizzled/identifier/ table.h
drizzled/locking/ global. cc
drizzled/message/ schema. cc
drizzled/message/ schema. h
drizzled/plugin/ storage_ engine. cc
drizzled/plugin/ table_function. h
drizzled/schema. cc
drizzled/session. cc
drizzled/sql_base. cc
drizzled/sql_load. cc
drizzled/sql_parse. cc
drizzled/sql_table. cc
drizzled/sql_table. h
drizzled/statement/ alter_schema. cc
drizzled/statement/ alter_table. cc
drizzled/statement/ change_ schema. cc
drizzled/statement/ create_ index.cc
drizzled/statement/ create_ schema. cc
drizzled/statement/ create_ table.cc
drizzled/statement/ drop_index. cc
drizzled/statement/ drop_schema. cc
drizzled/statement/ rename_ table.cc
drizzled/table/concurren t.cc
drizzled/table/instance/ base.cc
drizzled/table/instance/ base.h
drizzled/table/singular. cc
plugin/innobase/ handler/ ha_innodb. cc
plugin/memory/ ha_heap. cc
plugin/schema_ engine/ schema. cc
plugin/schema_ engine/ schema. h
plugin/show_dictionary /show_columns. cc
plugin/show_dictionary /show_create_ schema. cc
plugin/show_dictionary /show_create_ table.cc
plugin/show_dictionary /show_indexes. cc
plugin/show_dictionary /show_tables. cc
plugin/show_schema_ proto/show_ schema_ proto.cc
plugin/table_cache_ dictionary/ tests/r/ table_cache. result
plugin/table_cache_ dictionary/ tests/r/ table_definitio n_cache. result
tests/r/show_ check.result
unittests/table_identifie r.cc
pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions)
Stewart Smith 2012-07-12 fix initialization of message::schema to be from the Schema identifier, which includes the CATALOG name, so that we can create schemas in catalogs other than LOCAL - 2573. By Drizzle Continuous Integration
plugin/json_server/ http_server. cc
plugin/json_server/ http_server. h
plugin/json_server/ docs/index. rst
plugin/json_server/ json_server. cc
plugin/json_server/ plugin. ini
plugin/json_server/ tests/r/ basic.result
plugin/json_server/ tests/t/ basic.test
pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions)
srivastavamohit91... 2012-07-17 changes in _api01 - 2572. By Drizzle Continuous Integration
plugin/zeromq/ zeromq_ log.cc
plugin/zeromq/ zeromq_ log.h
pending merge tips: (use -v to see all merge revisions)
Anshu Kumar 2012-07-10 Added mutex lock around code changing endpoint
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/drizzle