
Created by Tim Kuhlman and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~timkuhlman/charms/trusty/postgresql/nagios-fix
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Branch information

Tim Kuhlman

Recent revisions

138. By Tim Kuhlman

Fix the nagios check.

137. By Stuart Bishop

[stub] Fix actions, broken after Python3 update

136. By Stuart Bishop

[axino, r=stub] Ensure nrpe checks are generated

135. By Stuart Bishop

[stub] Fix test_db_admin_relion work with multiple units

134. By Cory Johns

[stub] Fix test command return codes in Makefile

133. By Chris Glass

Merge lp:~stub/charms/trusty/postgresql/unrestricted-admin [a=stub] [r=tribaal]

This branch fixes a regression in the recent rewrite.

Clients connected by a db-admin relation need to be able to connect as any valid user, not just the one they were provided with. This is used by charms such as pgbouncer.

132. By Stuart Bishop

[bloodearnest, r=stub] Add test coverage of the pg_hba.conf generation, and fix several bugs in the process.

131. By Matt Bruzek

[stub] A rewrite to make use of modern Juju and improve the reliability of the postgresql charm.

130. By Charles Butler

[r=lazypower] Stuart Bishop 2015-08-11 [merge] Merged postgresql into rewrite-charmhelpers.
    Stuart Bishop 2015-08-06 sync charm-helpers, add nrpe
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-28 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-27 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-27 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-27 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-24 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-20 [merge] Merged postgresql into rewrite-charmhelpers.
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-13 [merge] Merge standby-service
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-06 [merge] Merge trunk
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-06 Sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-03 [merge] Merged postgresql into rewrite-charmhelpers.
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-02 sync charmhelpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-01 Include charmhelpers.payload
    Stuart Bishop 2015-06-26 [merge] Merge standby-service
    Stuart Bishop 2015-06-26 [merge] Merge replication-control
    Stuart Bishop 2015-06-26 [merge] Merge trunk
    Stuart Bishop 2015-06-24 sync charmhelpers, pull in coordinator

129. By Marco Ceppi

[stub] Add replication-pause and replication-resume actions

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