
Created by Tiago Salem Herrmann and last modified
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Tiago Salem Herrmann

Recent revisions

83. By Tiago Salem Herrmann

Allow getprop execution by mission-control and its plugins

82. By Artur Rona

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - debian/apparmor-profile, debian/control, debian/rules:
    + AppArmor confinement.
  - debian/telepathy-mission-control-5.apport, debian/rules:
    + Apport hook.

81. By Jamie Strandboge

debian/apparmor-profile: allows read of /etc/gss/mech.d/**

80. By Jamie Strandboge

debian/apparmor-profile: allow read of /custom/etc/dconf/* (LP: #1352436)

79. By Martin Pitt

* Resynchronize with Debian. Remaining Ubuntu changes:
  - AppArmor confinement:
    + debian/apparmor-profile: Profile
    + debian/control: build-depend on dh-apparmor, suggest apparmor
    + debian/rules: install apparmor profile
  - Apport hook:
    + debian/telepathy-mission-control-5.apport
    + debian/rules: Install hook
* Moves from upower to logind (LP: #1330037)

78. By Sergio Schvezov

debian/apparmor-profile: allowing writes for telepathy-ofono within its
cache dir.

77. By Jamie Strandboge

debian/apparmor-profile: allow ptrace read by peer=@{profile_name}

76. By Jamie Strandboge

debian/apparmor-profile: accesses for lightdm in support of split

75. By Sergio Schvezov

debian/apparmor-profile: allow read access to

74. By Jamie Strandboge

debian/apparmor-profile: allow creation of /run/user/[0-9]*/

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Branch format 7
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