
Created by Tiago Salem Herrmann and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~tiagosh/telepathy-ofono/aliasing-interface
Only Tiago Salem Herrmann can upload to this branch. If you are Tiago Salem Herrmann please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Tiago Salem Herrmann

Recent revisions

89. By Tiago Salem Herrmann

add Connection.Aliasing interface support

88. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.2+14.10.20140701-0ubuntu1

87. By Gustavo Pichorim Boiko

Expose the emergency numbers via DBus so that clients can query it.

86. By Tiago Salem Herrmann

Implement MMS sending support.

85. By Tiago Salem Herrmann

Ignore received timestamp and use system date/time instead Fixes: 1331570

84. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing package telepathy-ofono version 0.2+14.10.20140623-0ubuntu3

83. By Ricardo Salveti

Enabling routing settings to use the pulse-droid element again

82. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing package telepathy-ofono version 0.2+14.10.20140623-0ubuntu2

81. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 0.2+14.10.20140603-0ubuntu1

80. By Tiago Salem Herrmann

Add modem-objpath as a protocol parameter.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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