
Created by Jason Foreman and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~threeve/ubuntuone-ios-client/fix-remote
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Jason Foreman
Ubuntu One iOS Client

Recent revisions

250. By Jason Foreman

Fix remote control event delivery.

The view controller's need to be made first responder after they appear
it seems. It may be better to have the application delegate responding
to these events than to have each view controller potentially doing it,
but this seems to work okay for now so not going to change things drastically
right before a release.

249. By Jason Foreman

Implement cached songs playlist.

248. By Jason Foreman

Reset song cache flags when clearing cache.

247. By Jason Foreman

Delete the Core Data store (cache) if open fails.

246. By Jason Foreman

Avoiding some edge cases that insert objects with no id.

245. By Jason Foreman

Disable verbose reachability logging.

244. By Jason Foreman

Disable uncached items when network unavailable.

243. By Jason Foreman

Adding basic radial progress control.

242. By Jason Foreman

Limit max downloads to 4

241. By Jason Foreman

Integrate reachability

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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