
Created by Thomas Voß and last modified
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Branch information

Thomas Voß
Miracast Service

Recent revisions

110. By Thomas Voß

POC for *Stub and *Skeleton.

109. By Thomas Voß

Disable acceptance tests to unblock silo builds.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Simon Fels.

108. By Thomas Voß

Add function names to log entries.

Approved by PS Jenkins bot, Simon Fels.

107. By Thomas Voß

Elongate sleep to make acceptance test more robust.

Approved by Simon Fels, PS Jenkins bot.

105. By Simon Fels

Add build dep on libboost-iostreams-dev
Use PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER to reap all of our children when we going down.
Send SIGKILL when parent dies.
Let supplicant wait until we connect over the socket with it.

104. By Simon Fels

Fix trunk build

103. By Simon Fels

Enable acceptance tests against mcs::MiracastService:
  - Introduce mcs::MiracastService::Main, enabling us to reuse the service in testing scenarios.
  - Adjust src/mcs/main.cpp to use mcs::MiracastService::Main.
  - Hook up signal handlers for SIG{INT, TERM} and shut down cleanly for those signals.
  - Introduce tests/acceptance_tests.cpp and a first test case exercising the signal handler.
Add process-cpp as a 3rd-party dependency for tests. Bundling it with the project allows for easier
adoption by other interested parties.

102. By Simon Fels

Get rid of defines for declaring constants in wpa/.
Get rid of #define's for declaring constants.

101. By Simon Fels

Split out firmware loading and netdev specification into wpa network manager.
Further small cleanups and fixes.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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