
Created by Holger Brunn (Therp) and last modified
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Therp Backports (Deprecated)

Recent revisions

6699. By lp:skh-openerp

[FIX] lp:949078

6698. By Holger Brunn (Therp)

[FIX] workaround for lp:1023047

6697. By Holger Brunn (Therp)

[FIX] lp:1091686, base_contact: name field not populated at installation time

6696. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[MRG] Merged with lp:openobject-addons/6.1, rev. 7068

6695. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] lp:1078203, audittrail: bad performance and infinite recursion

6694. By Ronald Portier (Therp)

[FIX] lp:1067059, l10n_nl: VAT amount changed to 21%

6693. By Alexis de Lattre

[FIX] lp:707923, account: Effective vertical tax rounding by increasing precision

6692. By Stefan Rijnhart (Opener)

[FIX] lp:1049199, hr: delete employees before deleting the inherited resources

6691. By Anto

[FIX] lp:999315, Cannot select an account in a new/unsaved recurring model move

6690. By Mohammed Shekha(Open ERP)

[FIX] lp:942301, Stock move tree view lacks 'state' field that is referenced in a domain

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