Merge lp://staging/~therp-nl/additional-discount/fix_lp1102075_move_lines into lp://staging/additional-discount

Proposed by Ronald Portier (Therp)
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~therp-nl/additional-discount/fix_lp1102075_move_lines
Merge into: lp://staging/additional-discount
Diff against target: 270 lines (+163/-22)
5 files modified
additional_discount/ (+2/-3)
additional_discount/ (+3/-1)
additional_discount/model/ (+13/-0)
additional_discount/model/ (+6/-5)
additional_discount/model/ (+139/-13)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~therp-nl/additional-discount/fix_lp1102075_move_lines
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Georges Racinet Pending
Anybox Pending
Stefan Rijnhart (Opener) Pending
Review via email:

This proposal supersedes a proposal from 2013-05-01.

Description of the change

The original merge proposal to generate additional move lines for the discount has been extensively reworked:

- Adjust the original move lines instead of creating additional ones. In this way the line that should be paid will have an amount equal to an incoming or outgoing payment. This makes for easier reconciliation.

- Rounding had been made more consistent all over

- Nevertheless an catch all test has been added to prevent the additional discount from ever creating an unbalanced move

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Revision history for this message
Stefan Rijnhart (Opener) (stefan-opener) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

It is probably a good idea to have a look at rounding issues now. They can get ugly really easily. At least make sure that the amount to pay is the same as on the invoice that goes out to the customer.

Another thing to consider: if the move line's account is set to reconcile, would it be a good idea to do a partial reconciliation with its discount line at this point? This would require some work in the method cancelling the invoice because you would have to undo any move internal reconciliation before the move line object protests against unlinking reconciled items.

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Christophe Combelles (ccomb) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

Hi, thanks for the work on this package,
I currently have no time for reviewing, I've changed the project settings to allow you (or someone else) to merge or push another branch in ~additional-discount (actually I hope I succeeded in doing so)

Unmerged revisions

31. By Ronald Portier (Therp)

[FIX] Previous revision moved view xml, but forgot to adapt

30. By Ronald Portier (Therp)

[RFR] Added standard organization to module
[FIX] Rounding issues
[FIX] Prevent additional discount from creating unbalanced moves

29. By Ronald Portier (Therp)

[IMP] Generate move-lines for discount.

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