Created by
Markus Korn
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~thekorn/+junk/libzeitgeist-firefox-dataprovider
Markus Korn
can upload to this branch. If you are
Markus Korn
please log in for upload directions.
Branch information
- Owner:
- Markus Korn
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 38. By Markus Korn
added a simple test.html which causes this component to crash, I think because of the char argumensts, should be something like nsAString, but I've no clue how to convert this string to gchar as needed by libzeitgeist
- 37. By Markus Korn
pseudo-implement missing methods of ZeitgeistProgre
ssListener to hide chrome errors - 36. By Markus Korn
* ignored_uris are now configurable via preferences system
* we need FF (>= 3.5) for this extension - 35. By Markus Korn
Added code to ignore some urls, in this case pages matching the uri-pattern
will not cause a zeitgeist event.
Right now 'about:*' pages age ignored, in the future this should be
configurable via the preferences system
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)