
Created by David Ames and last modified
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David Ames

Recent revisions

159. By David Ames

Fix unit-get bug

The traceback in Bug #1577556 shows this error occurs during "load
time" as unit-get is executed in the parameter list of get_host_ip.
unit-get will not actually be called for real till much later. Allow
that time to pass.

Closes-Bug: #1577556

158. By Ryan Beisner

[gnuoy, r=1chb1n] Amulet test update re: Mitaka db schema change

157. By Liam Young

[gnuoy, r=james-page] On pre package install store the mysql.passwd in /root otherwise installation of 5.7 package fails becuase the postinst script skips init'ing the db

156. By James Page

Provide forward compatibility with xenial where py2 is not installed by default.

155. By Marco Ceppi

open-port for exposing

154. By James Page

Enable Mitaka amulet tests on trusty

153. By Charles Butler

[r,a=lazypower] Ryan Beisner 2016-01-13 move 00-setup to prevent unnecessary extra bootstrap; update Makefile
Ryan Beisner 2016-01-13 add tests/README
Ryan Beisner 2016-01-13 remove deprecated release from amulet test
Ryan Beisner 2016-01-13 update amulet test targets for liberty; prep for xenial
Ryan Beisner 2016-01-13 update amulet test re: deprecated/racey svc check helper
Ryan Beisner 2016-01-11 sync charm-helpers for Mitaka cloud archive capability

152. By José Antonio Rey


Barry Price 2015-12-29 Add the option to split InnoDB data into smaller files, default to false for compatibility
Barry Price 2015-12-30 Removing the option and just hard-coding innodb_file_per_table. Making it configurable post-install is not useful and potentially confusing.
Barry Price 2015-12-30 Whitespace fix

151. By Cory Johns

[tvansteenburgh] Fixed tests by not hard-coding unit names

150. By Adam Israel

[Ryan Beisner] Ensure distro info data is upgraded on test runs

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