Merge lp://staging/~tcuthbert/charms/trusty/squid-reverseproxy/trunk into lp://staging/charms/trusty/squid-reverseproxy

Proposed by Thomas Cuthbert
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 57
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~tcuthbert/charms/trusty/squid-reverseproxy/trunk
Merge into: lp://staging/charms/trusty/squid-reverseproxy
Diff against target: 99 lines (+25/-7)
3 files modified
config.yaml (+11/-0)
files/check_squidpeers (+13/-6)
hooks/ (+1/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~tcuthbert/charms/trusty/squid-reverseproxy/trunk
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Stuart Bishop (community) Approve
Barry Price Approve
Review via email:

Description of the change

This changes the way we monitor squid peers.

With the introduction of the nagios_servicegroups config option we are able to statically assign which nagios groups the checks will be in. This is useful in situation where the default group causes unnecessary critical alerts for minor events such as single peers going down.

The second change is a configurable weight option. This weight option influences the check_squidpeers script to alert when a percentage of the hosts are down (defaults at 50%). This can be optimised further by providing weights on individual peers (for example do we care if random peer in Eastern Europe goes down?).

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58. By Thomas Cuthbert

[tcuthbert] Added calucalate percent up function and modified get_status to work off a configurable percentage down instead of all

Revision history for this message
Barry Price (barryprice) wrote :

The alert weighting option is a welcome addition, LGTM +1

review: Approve
Revision history for this message
Stuart Bishop (stub) wrote :

Yup. Looks good.

review: Approve

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