Merge lp://staging/~tasdomas/juju-core/ensure-availability-output into lp://staging/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk
Status: | Needs review |
Proposed branch: | lp://staging/~tasdomas/juju-core/ensure-availability-output |
Merge into: | lp://staging/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk |
Diff against target: |
623 lines (+317/-43) 7 files modified
cmd/juju/ensureavailability.go (+67/-2) cmd/juju/ensureavailability_test.go (+76/-14) state/api/client.go (+5/-3) state/api/params/params.go (+13/-4) state/apiserver/client/client.go (+36/-10) state/apiserver/client/client_test.go (+119/-10) state/apiserver/client/export_test.go (+1/-0) |
To merge this branch: | bzr merge lp://staging/~tasdomas/juju-core/ensure-availability-output |
Related bugs: |
Reviewer | Review Type | Date Requested | Status |
Juju Engineering | Pending | ||
Review via email: |
Description of the change
Add output for ensure-availability command.
Add output for ensure-availability command.
The ensure-availability command will notify the user, how many state servers
were added to the environment.
$ juju ensure-availability -n 7
maintaining machines: "0"
adding machines: "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"
Unmerged revisions
- 2816. By Domas Monkus
Rename params.
EnsureAvailabil ity to params. EnsureAvailabil ityParams. Annotate structs for marshalling. - 2815. By Domas Monkus
Make test struct internal.
- 2814. By Domas Monkus
Output format support for ensure availability command.
- 2813. By Domas Monkus
Format command output using strings.Join
- 2812. By Domas Monkus
Rewrite function using set.Strings.
- 2811. By Domas Monkus
Added output to ensure-availability command.
- 2810. By Domas Monkus
Client reports state server changes.
- 2809. By Domas Monkus
Make MachineIdLessThan public.
Reviewers: mp+221549_ code.launchpad. net,
Please take a look.
Add output for ensure-availability command.
Add output for ensure-availability command.
The ensure-availability command will notify the user, how many state
were added to the environment.
$ juju ensure-availability -n 7
Added 6 state servers.
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~tasdomas/ juju-core/ ensure- availability- output/ +merge/ 221549
(do not edit description out of merge proposal)
Please review this at https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/99670044/
Affected files (+290, -43 lines): ensureavailabil ity.go ensureavailabil ity_test. go params/ params. go /client/ client. go /client/ client_ test.go /client/ export_ test.go test.go
A [revision details]
M cmd/juju/
M cmd/juju/
M state/api/client.go
M state/api/
M state/apiserver
M state/apiserver
M state/apiserver
M state/export_
M state/state.go