
Created by Scott Talbert and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~swt-techie/ubuntu/vivid/ddclient/merge-debian-3.8.2
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Scott Talbert

Recent revisions

40. By Scott Talbert

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - Add debian/patches/sample_ubuntu.diff.
  - Use NetworkManager dispatcher to stop/start ddclient

39. By Scott Talbert

Add patch from upstream which enables ddclient to find Digest::SHA to
fix FreeDNS support (LP: #1068884)

38. By Ken VanDine

* debian/ddclient.NetworkManager
  - Use NetworkManager dispatcher to stop/start ddclient, fixes DNS lookup
    errors that caused checkins to fail (LP: #998700)
* debian/ddclient.init
  - lintian reports missing runlevels for stop, adjusted to 0 1 6
[ Tristan Schmelcher ]
* debian/ddclient.init
  - ddclient init script fails to stop process (LP: #980409)

37. By Ken VanDine

releasing version 3.8.1-1ubuntu2

36. By Ken VanDine

* debian/ddclient.NetworkManager
  - Use NetworkManager dispatcher to stop/start ddclient, fixes DNS lookup
    errors that caused checkins to fail (LP: #998700)
* debian/ddclient.init
  - lintian reports missing runlevels for stop, adjusted to 0 1 6
* debian/ddclient.init
  - ddclient init script fails to stop process (LP: #980409)

35. By Angel Abad

* Merge from Debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - Adjust ubuntu init script, set CONF file to /etc/ddclient.conf.

34. By Angel Abad

* Merge from Debian testing. Remaining changes:
  - Adjust ubuntu init script, set CONF file to /etc/ddclient.conf.

33. By Angel Abad

* Merge from Debian testing. Remaining changes:
  - Adjust ubuntu init script, set CONF file to /etc/ddclient.conf.

32. By Angel Abad

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - Adjust ubuntu init script, set CONF file to /etc/ddclient.conf.

31. By Bhavani Shankar

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining change:
  - Adjust ubuntu init script, set CONF file to /etc/ddclient.conf.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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