Merge lp://staging/~suchvenu/charms/trusty/ibm-db2/db2 into lp://staging/~ibmcharmers/charms/trusty/ibm-db2/devel

Proposed by Suchitra Venugopal
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~suchvenu/charms/trusty/ibm-db2/db2
Merge into: lp://staging/~ibmcharmers/charms/trusty/ibm-db2/devel
Diff against target: 3545 lines (+3254/-0) (has conflicts)
48 files modified
Makefile (+24/-0) (+253/-0)
bin/layer_option (+24/-0)
config.yaml (+62/-0)
copyright (+13/-0)
files/archives/db2inst1.INS (+119/-0)
files/archives/db2installresfile/db2inst1.INS (+119/-0)
files/archives/db2installresfile/db2server.rsp (+64/-0)
files/archives/db2installresfile/db2server_ppcle.rsp (+64/-0)
files/archives/db2server.rsp (+64/-0)
files/archives/db2server_ppcle.rsp (+64/-0)
files/ (+19/-0)
hooks/config-changed (+19/-0)
hooks/db-relation-broken (+19/-0)
hooks/db-relation-changed (+19/-0)
hooks/db-relation-departed (+19/-0)
hooks/db-relation-joined (+19/-0)
hooks/hook.template (+19/-0)
hooks/install (+19/-0)
hooks/leader-elected (+18/-0)
hooks/leader-settings-changed (+18/-0)
hooks/relations/db2/@ (+75/-0)
hooks/relations/db2/ (+51/-0)
hooks/relations/db2/interface.yaml (+4/-0)
hooks/relations/db2/ (+83/-0)
hooks/relations/db2/ (+67/-0)
hooks/start (+19/-0)
hooks/stop (+19/-0)
hooks/update-status (+19/-0)
hooks/upgrade-charm (+28/-0)
icon.svg (+29/-0)
layer.yaml (+24/-0)
lib/charms/ (+2/-0)
lib/charms/ (+180/-0)
lib/charms/layer/ (+21/-0)
lib/charms/layer/ (+154/-0)
lib/charms/layer/ (+138/-0)
lib/charms/ (+58/-0)
metadata.yaml (+22/-0)
reactive/ (+98/-0)
reactive/ (+107/-0)
reactive/ (+816/-0)
reactive/ (+68/-0)
requirements.txt (+2/-0)
tests/00-setup (+17/-0)
tests/ (+73/-0)
tests/bundles.yaml (+10/-0)
tox.ini (+12/-0)
Conflict adding file Makefile.  Moved existing file to Makefile.moved.
Conflict adding file  Moved existing file to
Conflict adding file bin.  Moved existing file to bin.moved.
Conflict adding file config.yaml.  Moved existing file to config.yaml.moved.
Conflict adding file copyright.  Moved existing file to copyright.moved.
Conflict adding file files.  Moved existing file to files.moved.
Conflict adding file hooks.  Moved existing file to hooks.moved.
Conflict adding file icon.svg.  Moved existing file to icon.svg.moved.
Conflict adding file layer.yaml.  Moved existing file to layer.yaml.moved.
Conflict adding file lib.  Moved existing file to lib.moved.
Conflict adding file metadata.yaml.  Moved existing file to metadata.yaml.moved.
Conflict adding file reactive.  Moved existing file to reactive.moved.
Conflict adding file requirements.txt.  Moved existing file to requirements.txt.moved.
Conflict adding file tests.  Moved existing file to tests.moved.
Conflict adding file tox.ini.  Moved existing file to tox.ini.moved.
Conflict adding file wheelhouse.  Moved existing file to wheelhouse.moved.
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~suchvenu/charms/trusty/ibm-db2/db2
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
shilpa Approve
Review via email:
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Revision history for this message
shilpa (shilkaul) :
review: Approve
2. By Suchitra Venugopal

README updates

3. By Suchitra Venugopal

README pdates

4. By Suchitra Venugopal

Interface changes

5. By Suchitra Venugopal

Readme changes

6. By Suchitra Venugopal

DB2 Review Rework Changes

7. By Suchitra Venugopal

DB2 layered charm final changes

8. By Suchitra Venugopal

Minor changes after changing the states in db2 Interface

9. By Suchitra Venugopal

DB2 stopping the apps before db2stop

10. By Suchitra Venugopal

Setting the pw only when required

Unmerged revisions

10. By Suchitra Venugopal

Setting the pw only when required

9. By Suchitra Venugopal

DB2 stopping the apps before db2stop

8. By Suchitra Venugopal

Minor changes after changing the states in db2 Interface

7. By Suchitra Venugopal

DB2 layered charm final changes

6. By Suchitra Venugopal

DB2 Review Rework Changes

5. By Suchitra Venugopal

Readme changes

4. By Suchitra Venugopal

Interface changes

3. By Suchitra Venugopal

README pdates

2. By Suchitra Venugopal

README updates

1. By Suchitra Venugopal

IBM DB2 Layered charm

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