
Created by Stuart Bishop and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~stub/charms/trusty/postgresql/fix-test-returncode
Only Stuart Bishop can upload to this branch. If you are Stuart Bishop please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Stuart Bishop

Recent revisions

132. By Stuart Bishop

Fix test command return codes

131. By Matt Bruzek

[stub] A rewrite to make use of modern Juju and improve the reliability of the postgresql charm.

130. By Charles Butler

[r=lazypower] Stuart Bishop 2015-08-11 [merge] Merged postgresql into rewrite-charmhelpers.
    Stuart Bishop 2015-08-06 sync charm-helpers, add nrpe
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-28 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-27 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-27 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-27 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-24 sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-20 [merge] Merged postgresql into rewrite-charmhelpers.
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-13 [merge] Merge standby-service
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-06 [merge] Merge trunk
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-06 Sync charm-helpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-03 [merge] Merged postgresql into rewrite-charmhelpers.
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-02 sync charmhelpers
    Stuart Bishop 2015-07-01 Include charmhelpers.payload
    Stuart Bishop 2015-06-26 [merge] Merge standby-service
    Stuart Bishop 2015-06-26 [merge] Merge replication-control
    Stuart Bishop 2015-06-26 [merge] Merge trunk
    Stuart Bishop 2015-06-24 sync charmhelpers, pull in coordinator

129. By Marco Ceppi

[stub] Add replication-pause and replication-resume actions

128. By Tim Van Steenburgh

[stub] Handle unsupported wal_level with PG < 9.4

127. By Marco Ceppi

[marcoceppi] Revert back to minimal as logical doesn't work with 9.3

126. By Marco Ceppi

[stub] Support PostgreSQL 9.4's logical replication feature.

125. By Stuart Bishop

Fix hook permission

124. By Stuart Bishop


123. By Stuart Bishop

[dangyogi, r=stub] Don't automatically drop extensions

Branch metadata

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