branches with status:
Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp://staging/~stephen-xemacs/mailman/maxking 1 Development 2013-07-21 14:40:17 UTC
7215. * `bin/runner` command has been simp...

Author: Barry Warsaw
Revision Date: 2013-06-17 13:36:43 UTC

 * `bin/runner` command has been simplified and its command line options
   reduced. Now, only one `-r/--runner` option may be provided and the
   round-robin feature has been removed.
 * Fixed REST server crash on `reopen` command. Identification and test
   provided by AurĂ©lien Bompard. (LP: #1184376)


 * bin/runner now uses standard argparse instead of ScriptOptions.
 * The entire bin/runner machinery has bee reorganized and simplified. There
 * is no more Loop class. Signal setting is moved directly into the base
   Runner class and overrided in specific subclasses (e.g. RESTRunner which
   must cleanly shutdown its TCPServer). The runner exit status is now set
   directly on the Runner instance.
 * Fixed a few minor style issues.
 * In order to cleanly shutdown the RESTRunner's WSGI server, we must start a
   subthread which only watches for an Event and then calls the server's
   shutdown() method. It has to be this way because the WSGI server itself
   (due to interactions with SQLite), and the signal handlers (due to Python's
   signal handling semantics) must both run in the main thread. However, the
   shutdown() must be invoked from a subthread in order to prevent deadlock.
 * Refactor the RESTLayer to eliminate duplication of code.

lp://staging/~stephen-xemacs/postorius/domain-not-list (Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2013-03-21 00:04:46 UTC
126. Sync Mailman 3 API credentials to tho...

Author: Stephen Turnbull
Revision Date: 2013-03-21 00:00:41 UTC

Sync Mailman 3 API credentials to those used by HyperKitty.
Florian thinks it's OK.

lp://staging/~stephen-xemacs/mailman/mm3-pofile-fixes bug(Has a merge proposal) 1 Development 2009-08-27 14:47:33 UTC
6792. Fix up copyright notices and header c...

Author: Stephen Turnbull
Revision Date: 2009-08-27 14:42:22 UTC

Fix up copyright notices and header comments.

13 of 3 results