
Created by Kick In and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~snappy-dev/+junk/owncloud-snap
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Branch information

Snappy Developers

Recent revisions

7. By Kick In

modified frameworks, and version

6. By Kick In

Reverted to no-namespace.

5. By Kick In

Modified name to get namespace for uploading to the store.

4. By Kick In

Modified shell script to use another workaround to resolve docker's path. Added ubuntu-core-15.04-dev1 dependancy. Added modifications from Jamie concerning apparmor.

3. By Kick In

Added Jamie's modification to add apparmor to this package.

2. By Kick In

Copied the quantumobject/owncloud repository to kickinz1/big-owncloud to get more control over its modifications, modified owncloud shell command to be able to restart an existing container instead of creating a new one a each start.

1. By Kick In

First import, big downloads warning, and no reboot surviving; it is coming (first reboot survive, then size reducing).

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
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