
Created by Scott Moser and last modified
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Scott Moser

Recent revisions

159. By Scott Moser

fix 2 issues with floppy/multiboot booting in gen_kvm_libvirt_xml

2 issues are corrected here.
1.) closing tag is needed in 'boot' tag
2.) if '<boot dev='hd/>' is not present, then scsi disks will not
    get the kvm parameter 'boot=on'. Without that, the boot floppy
    will not see the disk.

158. By Scott Moser

 * add support for booting multiboot images from a floppy (LP: #611144)
 * add grub-common, grub-pc, and xorriso dependencies to node controller

157. By Scott Moser

add support for booting multiboot images from a floppy (LP: #611144)

156. By Dave Walker

* New major upstream version merge, 2.0 (r1211).
* debian/patches/:
  - 01-wsdl-stubs.patch, debian/wsdl.md5sums: wsdl stubs updated.
  - 02-Makefile.patch: Updated to reflect new code layout.
  - 07-local_support_euca_conf-in.patch: Updated to reflect new code layout.
  - 08-ubuntu-default-networking.patch: Refreshed.
  - 09-small-128-192MB.patch: Updated to point to new location.
  - 10-disable-iscsi.patch: Refreshed.
  - 11-state-cleanup-memleakfix.patch: Removed, fixed upstream.
  - 15-fix-default-ramdisk.patch: Updated to point to new location.
  - 16-kvm_libvirt_xml_default_use_kvm.patch: Updated to reflect changes.
  - 17-fix_walrus_OOM_errors.patch: Removed, fixed upstream.
  - 18-priv_security.patch: Updated to reflect upstream changes.
  - 20-brute-force-webui.patch: Updated to reflect upstream changes.
  - 21-eucalyptus-1.7-with-gwt-1.6.4.patch: New patch, allows
    eucalyptus-1.7 to be built against gwt 1.6.4. Based on patch courtesy
    of Dmitrii Zagorodnov, upstream. (LP: #597330)
* debian/eucalyptus-java-common.links:
  - Changed symlink for groovy, point to groovy.all.jar, making compatiable
    with groovy versions >1.7. (LP: #595421)
  - Added ant.jar & jetty-rewrite-handler.jar as they are now required.
* debian/control
  - & debian/build-jars: Added libjavassist-java and libjetty-extra-java as
    build dependencies.
  - Added libjetty-extra-java as a dependency of eucalyptus-java-common
* The binary resulting jar's have been renamed from eucalyptus-*-1.6.2.jar
  to eucalyptus-*-main.jar:
  - debian/eucalyptus-cc.upstart
  - debian/eucalyptus-cloud.install
  - debian/eucalyptus-common.eucalyptus.upstart
  - debian/eucalyptus-java-common.install
  - debian/eucalyptus-network.upstart
  - debian/eucalyptus-sc.install
  - debian/eucalyptus-walrus.install
* debian/eucalyptus-java-common.install: New upstream jars that have been
  - eucalyptus-db-hsqldb-ext-main.jar
  - eucalyptus-component-main.jar
* debian/control:
  - Updated Standards Version to 3.8.4 (no change)
  - Updated the upstream Homepage to: http://open.eucalyptus.com/
  - Changed Vcs-Bzr to reflect new location of Ubuntu hosted development branch.
  - Made the Build Dependency of groovy and the binary eucalyptus-java-common
    package depend on version >=1.7.

155. By Dave Walker

* debian/eucalyptus-java-common.links: Changed symlink for groovy, point to
  groovy.all.jar, making compatiable with groovy versions >1.7. (LP: #595421)
* debian/control: Build Depend & Depend for eucalyptus-java-common on groovy
  >=1.7, as we now require that version or above.
* debian/patches/22-ebs-virtio.patch: New patch, changing dynamic block storage
  to use virtio. (LP: #588410)

154. By Dustin Kirkland <kirkland@x200>

releasing version 1.6.2+bzr1230-0ubuntu2

153. By Dustin Kirkland <kirkland@x200>

debian/eucalyptus-common.install: install the example monitoring scripts,
more needs to be done to actually use or enable them, but let's at least
make them available for usage by UEC admins, LP: #595588

152. By Dave Walker

[ Colin Watson ]
* debian/eucalyptus-cloud.eucalyptus-cloud-publication.upstart: Only start
  after avahi-daemon has started.

[ Dave Walker (Daviey) ]
* Merge upstream branch, 1.6.2 (r1230)
* Switch to dpkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format
  - Extracted the following patches from our bzr branch, into flat patches.
* debian/build-jars: Replaced asm2 with asm3-all to match new groovy dependency.
* clc/modules/www/src/main/java/edu/ucsb/eucalyptus/admin/server/EucalyptusWebBackendImpl.java:
  - fix user enumeration and account brute force. Courtesy of Chris Cheney. (LP: #579942)
* debian/eucalyptus-sc.upstart: Bump maximum number of loop devices for SC to 512. (LP: #586134)

151. By Dustin Kirkland 

Address LP: #565101
* debian/eucalyptus.conf: set default JVM_MEM option
* debian/eucalyptus-common.eucalyptus.upstart: use $JVM_MEM
  from eucalyptus.conf, or default to 512m
* tools/eucalyptus.conf.5: document the JVM_MEM option

Cherry-pick upstream commit r1223..1227:
* node/handlers.c, node/handlers_kvm.c: handle situation where NC's
  do not detach pthreads, LP: #567371
* node/handlers_kvm.c: fix console bug (was only showing first 64K),
  LP: #566793
* clc/modules/storage-common/src/main/java/edu/ucsb/eucalyptus/storage/StorageManager.java,
  - fix Walrus OOM errors (java heap), LP: #565101

150. By Dustin Kirkland 

* Cherry-pick merge from upstream 1.6.2, now on revision 1222
  - LP: #552883 - r1222, fix volume statistics
  - LP: #552829 - r1221, fix volume state
  - LP: #552115 - r1220, fix node registration when nc+cc colocated
  - LP: #551778 - r1219, fix sc documentation
  - LP: #545000 - r1218, fix bad bucket name handling
* debian/control: recommend qemu-kvm, rather than kvm
* eucalyptus-cc.install, eucalyptus-cc.links, rules, 15-eucalyptus-url:
  - relocate the help text and url to just after the 10-help-text links,
    and before 50-landscape-sysinfo, which should come after; also,
    install the script as a conffile in /etc, rather than a symlink
    which allows the admin to modify it without upgrades automatically
    stomping local changes, LP: #559194
* 15-eucalyptus-url, eucalyptus-cc.install, eucalyptus-common.install:
  install in the eucalyptus-common package, improve logic of determining
  if on CLC

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