
Created by Scott Moser and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~smoser/ubuntu/karmic/ec2-init/karmic-updates
Only Scott Moser can upload to this branch. If you are Scott Moser please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Scott Moser

Recent revisions

40. By Scott Moser

fix incorrect example hostname in changelog entry

39. By Scott Moser

improve changelog entry

38. By Scott Moser

* fix failure if python2.4 is installed (LP: #520734)
* set hostname to a hostname-like value (ip-W.X.Y.Z) if instance
  metadata includes a ip address rather than a hostname in
  local-hostname (LP: #475354)

37. By Scott Moser

fix mirror selection for us-west-1 (LP: #494185)

36. By Scott Moser

* work around differences in eucalyptus ephemeral mounts (LP: #458850)
* get 'ec2:' prefix on ssh public key fingerprint (LP: #458576)

35. By Scott Moser

make sources.list components for 'karmic-security' the same as
'karmic' and 'karmic-updates' (main, restricted) (LP: #457866)

34. By Scott Moser

write regenerate_ssh_host_keys output directly to /dev/console
to ensure that it gets there. (LP: #451881)

33. By Scott Moser

set locale to en_US.UTF-8 if get_location_from_availability_zone
doesn't have a match (LP: #407949)

32. By Scott Moser

split running of user-data out of ec2-init into ec2-init-user-data
run this at S99. (LP : #431255)

31. By Scott Moser

* remove rightscale-init from package (see LP: #434181, LP: #434693)
* fix lintian warning, specify path to GPL-3
* replace multiple '| logger' in regenerate_ssh_host_keys single one
* add ec2-is-compat-env, and disable init script by default. it can be
  enabled by setting 'compat=1' in /etc/ec2-init/is-compat-env

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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