
Created by Scott Moser and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~smoser/ubuntu/bionic/cloud-utils/pkg
Only Scott Moser can upload to this branch. If you are Scott Moser please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Scott Moser

Recent revisions

151. By Scott Moser

releasing package cloud-utils version 0.30-0ubuntu2

150. By Scott Moser

* sync to trunk at 316
  * mount-image-callback: mount with -o 'rw' or -o 'ro' (LP: #1663722)

149. By Scott Moser

* New upstream release
  * The only change versus 0.29-0ubuntu7 is in an upstream
    tool tools/make-dist-tarball .
* debian/README.source: update to point at usd-import-team git branches.
* debian/update-sync-to-main: support packaging being in git.

148. By Scott Moser

releasing package cloud-utils version 0.29-0ubuntu7

147. By Scott Moser

debian/tests: fix tests to make program in tests/ executable
if it is not already.

146. By Scott Moser

releasing package cloud-utils version 0.29-0ubuntu6

145. By Scott Moser

executable to test/test-mic

144. By Scott Moser

* sync to trunk at revno 313
  * mount-image-callback: support 'chroot' to lxd containers
* debian/tests/control: run mount-image-callback test (test-mic)

143. By Scott Moser

fix state of directory, that was just wrong.

142. By Scott Moser

releasing package cloud-utils version 0.29-0ubuntu5

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
