
Owned by Scott Moser
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Name Last Modified Last Commit
mydev 2017-02-17 16:28:43 UTC
my suggested changes

Author: Scott Moser
Author Date: 2017-02-17 16:28:43 UTC

my suggested changes

master 2017-02-17 16:07:49 UTC
Import Debian changes 1.39.1-0ubuntu1.26

Author: Jose L. VG
Author Date: 2017-02-16 14:40:37 UTC

Import Debian changes 1.39.1-0ubuntu1.26

rax-openstack-guest-agents (1.39.1-0ubuntu1.26) zesty; urgency=medium

  * Fix for LP #1657223: SSH host keys were not being generated by cloud-init
    after it changed to run earlier in systemd boot and that generated
    dependency loops with nova-agent and xe-daemon services. Also nova-agent
    being a daemon, and running a network configuration task at the same time,
    meant it was impossible to make systemd boot dependencies deterministically,
    ensuring nova-agent had completed network configuration BEFORE network-pre
    target or cloud-init were started. As a result systemd was breaking such
    dependencies by killing random services, cloud-init most often.

    To avoid that we needed to make nova-agent notify when it was done with
    network configuration and setup systemd dependencies to avoid loops.
    In order to achieve this, the changes in this release are:

   - Disable cloud-init network configuration, as nova-agent will do it.

   - Make resetnetwork touch /var/lib/nova-agent/{instance uuid}-networkreset.done
     when completed succesfully. Also cleanup foreign marker files, left by
     other instances.

   - Make nova-agent config re-issue resetnetwork command when the above marker
     file is missing, to avoid lock ups when the Xen host doesn't issue it.

   - Remove systemd's rax-cloud.service dummy waiter service.

   - Add systemd's nova-resetnetwork.service that waits on the marker file to
     appear. That way we cam make cloud-init & network-pre.target wait on
     nova-agent to complete network configuration.

   - Make nova-agent.service avoid default dependencies creating
     systemd's dependency loops with cloud-init. Also remove sleep and
     dependency on removed rax-cloud.service in favor of network-pre.target

   - Override xe-daemon.service unit so that it also avoids default
     dependencies creating systemd's dependency loops with cloud-init.

upstream 2017-02-17 16:04:43 UTC
Import Upstream version 1.39.1

Author: Scott Moser
Author Date: 2017-02-17 16:04:43 UTC

Import Upstream version 1.39.1

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