
Created by Paul Sladen and last modified
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Branch information

Paul Sladen

Recent revisions

168. By Paul Sladen

overwrite files.png with unity/resources/find_files.png (LP: #704997)

167. By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen

Post release version bump

166. By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen

Release 0.4.46

165. By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen

Merge Mikkel's branch lp:~kamstrup/unity-place-files/url-launcher:

 * In *global* search aka Dash search, and not in dedicated file search; you can now enter a URL or something that resembles a web address and the first hit will launch that URL in your prefered browser

164. By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen

Merge Mikkel's branch lp:~kamstrup/unity-place-files/auto-update:

 * Automatically update the results model for the place entry when Zeitgeist notifies us of updates. In case we are inactive we'll simply mark ourselves dirty and do the update once we're put back in active state (ie the files place is shown by Unity)

 * Bump libzeitgeist dep to 0.3.7 to get latest VAPI fixes for ZeitgeistMonitor

 * Bump libunity dep to 3.6.3 (which should have been done a while ago) in order to get the PlaceSearch.finished() signal

163. By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen

Merge Mikkel's branch lp:~kamstrup/unity-place-files/folder-search:

 * Make bookmarked folders searchable

162. By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen

Merge Mikkel's branch lp:~kamstrup/unity-place-files/finished-signal:

 * Call PlaceSearch.finished() when done searching

161. By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen

Post release version bump

160. By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen

Release 0.5.44 (bumping Dee dep to 0.5.16)

159. By Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen

Don't count a pure whitespace string as a valid search. This fixes bug #732746 '"Your search did not match any files" when I haven't searched yet'

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