Merge lp://staging/~sinzui/juju-ci-tools/cloudsigma-lib into lp://staging/juju-ci-tools

Proposed by Curtis Hovey
Status: Work in progress
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~sinzui/juju-ci-tools/cloudsigma-lib
Merge into: lp://staging/juju-ci-tools
Diff against target: 179 lines (+167/-0)
2 files modified (+166/-0)
requirements.txt (+1/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~sinzui/juju-ci-tools/cloudsigma-lib
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Juju Release Engineering Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Add support to list and delete servers in cloudsigma.

This branch adapts my personal script to find and delete servers Juju left behind in cloudsigma. The cloudsigma python lib does not allow us to explicitly set the conf location to get credentials and API points. There is an ugly work around in the code to make this script portable to other machines and users.

I am very unhappy with the python requirements specified by the cloudsigma lib. It required 8 packages by specific version I am not using the exact versions of packages on my computer nor on my OS X machine and the script works. I have already updated the s3 pip container [1]. I think we should create our own cloudsigma package with revised requirements.txt that sets minimum versions to accommodate all the ubuntu series, windows, os x and centos.


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Unmerged revisions

1121. By Curtis Hovey

Added script used to cleanup cloudsigma.

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