
Created by Stuart Langridge and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~sil/ubuntuone-couch/http-body-as-file
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Stuart Langridge

Recent revisions

16. By Stuart Langridge

Allow specifying a filename as http body. This means you can upload a file to U1 with one command: u1oauthrequest --http-method=PUT --body-from-file=local.file https://files.one.ubuntu.com/content/~/Ubuntu%20One/dest.file

15. By Natalia Bidart

- Use proper credentials querying system (LP: #878307).

14. By Michael Terry

Allow 10s per megabyte in request before timing out

13. By Eric Casteleijn

[release] 0.3.0

12. By Eric Casteleijn

When no oauth credentials are passed in, *and* none are present in Ubuntu SSO, show a reasonable error message, rather than a python traceback. (LP: #781119)

11. By Eric Casteleijn

-fixed the run-tests script
-fixed failing tests

10. By Michael Terry

Handle query parameters in auth.request()

9. By Michael Terry

Increase httplib2 timeout to 10 seconds

8. By Michael Terry

Allow extra headers in auth.request()

7. By Eric Casteleijn

[Release] v0.2.0

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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