Merge lp://staging/~serpentcs/openerp-usa/fix-journal-voucher into lp://staging/openerp-usa/6.0

Proposed by Bipin(Serpentcs)
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~serpentcs/openerp-usa/fix-journal-voucher
Merge into: lp://staging/openerp-usa/6.0
Diff against target: 26 lines (+9/-1)
1 file modified
account_check_writing/ (+9/-1)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~serpentcs/openerp-usa/fix-journal-voucher
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
npg Pending
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Unmerged revisions

136. By Bipin Rathod <email address hidden>

[IMP] account_check_writing: Journal Voucher gets automatically populated after adding Voucher Items, call onchange over there to update Amount in Word

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