- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/maverick/bacula/depend-on-gawk
Branch merges
Branch information
- Owner:
- Serge Hallyn
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 58. By Serge Hallyn
add gawk to dependencies for bacula-director, since gawk is
used by make_catalog_backup_ awk. (LP: #645082) - 57. By Chuck Short
* Resynchronize with debian, remaining changes:
- Daemons listen on all interfaces. (LP: #286643)
- Start daemons on installation
- Drop mt-st to suggests. So that bacula goes back to main. (LP: #286528)
- debian/rules: Disable fortify source since it was causing bacula-director
to segfault.
- debian/control:
+ Cleaned up bacula-director- pgsql dependencies and recommends.
+ Made mysql the default director to install bacula-director- {mysql| pgsql}. - 56. By Chuck Short
* New upstream release, changes since 5.0.1:
- Probable fix for SD crash bug #1553
- Fix #1559 problem when restoring pruned jobs with a regexp
- Fix for bug #1560 bcopy cannot find Volume
- Fix cancel crash bug #1551
- Check if sql backend is thread-safe
- Correct Pool display in SD status. Fixes bug #1541
- Fix cancel crash reported by Stephen Thompson
- Rewind on close to fix #1549
- Remove closelog() in bpipe fixes bug #1536
- Fix #1517 about missing Base level in .level command
- Replace ASSERT in block.c with fail Job
- Fix database locking calling db_lock and returning from function without
calling db_unlock.
- Add missing db_unlock to bvfs_update_cache.
- Fix #1532 about permission on binaries
- Fix #1527 about deadlock during migration
- Another fix for OpenSSLv1
- Fix tls.c for OpenSSLv1
- Fix #1511 when trying to insert more than 50.000 directories in bvfs
- Fix plugin load not to stop if one plugin bad -- pointed out by James
- Remove --without-qwt from configure statement.
- Second correct fix to bug #1524 verify fails after adding or removing files
- Fix bug #1524 verify fails after adding or removing files
- Apply fix suggested by Andreas in bug #1502 for mediaview column sort problem
- Fix OpenSSL 1.x problem in crypto.c on Fedora 12
- Display AllowCompress warning message only if compression used in FileSet
* Dropped debian/patches/ ubuntu_ address. patch. - 55. By Chuck Short
* Merge from debian testing. Remaining changes:
- Daemons listen on all interfaces. (LP: #286643)
- Start daemons on installation
- Drop mt-st to suggests. So that bacula goes back to main. (LP: #286528)
- debian/rules: Disable fortify source since it was causing bacula-director
to segfault.
- debian/control:
+ Cleaned up bacula-director- pgsql dependencies and recommends.
+ Made mysql the default director to install bacula-director- {mysql| pgsql}.
* Dropped:
- Generate default passwords at install time, integrated upstream.
- Added LSB support to init scripts, integrated upstream. - 49. By Chuck Short
* Merge from debian testing, remaining changes:
+ debian/rules:
- added bat_icon.png and bat.desktop for bacula-console-qt (LP: #314746)
- added bacula-tray-monitor. xpm icon, fix Exec path in .desktop
+ Store sd|fd|director passwords in debconf (LP: #222558)
- added debian/bacula- common. templates
- modified debian/bacula- common. postinst:
+ generate random passwords and store them in debconf
- modified debian/bacula- [sd|fd| director- mysql|director- pgsql]. postinst
+ read and set passwords from debconf
+ Daemons listen on all interfaces (LP: #286643)
+ Start daemons on installation
+ Build with generic XXX_*_XXX username, password and database name
and replace it with dbconfig's settings in postinstall scripts
+ Drop mt-st to suggests. So that bacula goes back to main. (LP: #286528)
+ debian/rules: Disable fortify source since it was causing
bacula-director to segfault.
+ debian/control:
- Added libdbi-perl and libdb-mysql-perl to depends for
bacula-director- mysql due to new postinst configuration.
- Cleaned up bacula-director- pgsql dependenices and recommends.
- Made mysql the default director to install bacula-director- {mysql| pgsql}
added database handling to postinstall scripts and templates, modifiied
postinstall script's sed expressions.
- Removed libwgtk-2.6-dev as a build dependency; as a result
bacula-console- wx isn't built anymore.
- Install gawk if not installed. (LP: #207527)
+ debian/make_catalog_ backup_ awk.[mysql| pgsql|sqlite3| sqlite] :
- New scripts for catalog backup. (CVE-2007-5626)
+ debian/bacula- console- wx:
- Dropped since we are not building them anymore.
+ debian/bacula- director- common. bacula- director. init,
debian/bacula- fd.init, debian/ bacula- sd.init:
- Made more LSB specific.
+ Add missing bacula-director- [pgsql| mysql]. templates.
+ Suggest bacula-traymonitor rather than Recommends so we dont pull in the libgtk libraries
on the server seed.
+ debian/control: Change build dependencies to MySQL 5.1.
+ bacula.desktop: Run /usr/bin/bat not /usr/sbin/bat (LP: #38778)
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/ubuntu/maverick/bacula