
Created by Sebastien Bacher and last modified
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Sebastien Bacher
Unity Settings Daemon

Recent revisions

4047. By Sebastien Bacher

show correct microphone mute icon

4046. By CI Train Bot Account

Resync trunk.

4045. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 14.04.0+14.04.20150825-0ubuntu1

4044. By Alberto Milone

Make touchscreen mapping non-blocking, and kill it if it takes more than 3 seconds; finally, in case of failure, try again after a few seconds. This helps on resume from S3 (LP: #1471708). Fixes: #1471708
Approved by: Iain Lane

4043. By Iain Lane

Sync archive uploads

4042. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 14.04.0+14.04.20140606-0ubuntu1

4041. By PS Jenkins bot

* gsd-xrandr-manager.c:
  - Add support for mapping the main touchscreen onto the laptop
    display (LP: #1287341).
    This makes sure that the input device knows exactly the area
    that represents the display when the screen configuration
    changes. Note: this doesn't cover the tablet use case.
  - Add support for matching displays with touch input devices
    according to the reported size. This is particularly
    useful on systems that don't use embedded display connectors
    i.e. all-in-one systems such as the Dell Optiplex 9030 AIO.
  - This work is a partial backport of the upstream work on
    touchscreens. When we finally sync with the upstream code
    we can drop this.

4040. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 14.04.0+14.04.20140414-0ubuntu1

4039. By Dmitry Shachnev

Backport g-s-d patch to fix consecutive xkb grp: options not being stripped, thanks Роман Донченко.

4038. By PS Jenkins bot

Releasing 14.04.0+14.04.20140407-0ubuntu1

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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