
Created by Sean Upton and last modified
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Branch information

Sean Upton

Recent revisions

63. By Sean Upton

replace underscore with hyphen in version pin for sysv-ipc.

62. By Sean Upton

simplify memmon rule in supervisor buildout part.

61. By Sean Upton

added sysv_ipc to eggs with pin; should work across *nix including Mac OSX

60. By Sean Upton

product-config section now passes postgres port number as part of the port (socket location) string for qi.sqladmin to use (via Products.qi setting an environment variable at start-up). requires changeset:qi.sqladmin,13 (backported this change from lp:~upiq-dev/upiq/plone41deployment branch).

59. By Sean Upton

(backport from plone41deployment): plone.schemaeditor using pinned svn revision instead of egg (pre-1.0.4): adds date field support.

58. By Sean Upton

merged upstream

57. By Sean Upton

added uu.smartdate bzr checkout source and egg to upiq.cfg buildout

56. By Sean Upton


55. By Sean Upton

Re-pin RelStorage to 1.5.0, add superlance to supervisor part, configure memmon for instances.

54. By Sean Upton

postgresql.conf.in max_connections bumped to 100, following examples from RelStorage testing configurations; we have much greater risk with possibility of exhausting connections than from too many in the context of this buildout. Also, removed the bits from upiq.cfg that were forceing postgresql to TCP 5432, instead of the values in src/build/postgres.cfg (15432).

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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