
Created by joep and last modified

review branch July 09

essentially abandoned

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Recent revisions

1770. By joep

forgot to commit last night, add test cases and loglike to families

1769. By joep

add loglike to family, use deviance based on loglike in gamma (now correct deviance), add dof correction for aic for known/estimated scale (unclear for gamma)
add estimated scale count in aic of regression.py

1768. By joep

finish rewrite to class tests for glm comparison with R, add knownfailure to binomial repeated

1767. By joep

first working copy of glm rpy test for poisson

1766. By joep

add test glm versus R, not working yet

1765. By joep

start to clean R based glm test, add loglike to family poisson

1764. By joep

merge more changes from skipper, correct sign in loglog link derivative

1763. By joep

merge manually some changes from skipper

1762. By joep

add fixedscale to poisson and binomial, scale in result class cannot be easily overwritten (->refactor)
added direct calculation of bcov, bse, now glm poisson has correct bse

1761. By joep

fix test_glm.py test_poisson, and add as example, beta is good, bse is with no scale in R

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Branch format 6
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Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
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