
Owned by Sergey Bykov
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Name Last Modified Last Commit
LP1895021 2020-09-10 13:53:01 UTC
udevadm_info should use maxsplit=1 instead of maxsplit=2

Author: Sergey Bykov
Author Date: 2020-09-10 05:36:35 UTC

udevadm_info should use maxsplit=1 instead of maxsplit=2

In udevadm_info the below code is called to split output lines:
    key, value = line.split('=', 2)

It can lead to unhandled exception if there are more than one
equal sign in the string as split will return array of three
or more elements. The correct way to get only two elements is
to use maxsplit=1:
    key, value = line.split('=', 1)

And adding tests/unittests/test_udev.py unittest

LP: #1895021

master 2020-09-09 14:38:17 UTC
Pin the dependency on pyrsistent

Author: Paride Legovini
Author Date: 2020-09-09 14:38:17 UTC

Pin the dependency on pyrsistent

pyrsistent 0.16.0 is the latest version supporting Python < 3.5.
Newer versions make the *py27 tox environments fail.

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