Merge ~sbeattie/qa-regression-testing:ecdsautils-lp-ci into qa-regression-testing:master

Proposed by Steve Beattie
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: ~sbeattie/qa-regression-testing:ecdsautils-lp-ci
Merge into: qa-regression-testing:master
Diff against target: 227 lines (+95/-41)
2 files modified
.launchpad.yaml (+16/-0)
scripts/ (+79/-41)
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Ubuntu Security Team Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

test-ecdsautils: misc improvements and enable in LP CI

Steve Beattie (5):
      * [062bea06] convert ecdsaTest to use subTests for each test vector
      * [32aea5d4] multiple improvements
      * [e1613441] add a couple more signature boundary condition tests
      * [1e837ae0] .launchpad.yaml: enable ecdsautils test in LP CI
      * [35b4abe2] .launchpad.yaml: disable test-ecdsautils in LP CI for bionic

Description of the change

test-ecdsautils: misc improvements and enable in LP CI

Adjust tests to make use of the subtests infrastructure, as well as use more the testlib command infrastructure to ensure that error codes are caught and trigger test failures. Also add a couple more of boundary condition checks similar to the test for CVE-2022-24884.

Finally, and the primary point I'd like to have a review / discussion on, is to enable running the tests in LP CI, but disabled for bionic becuase the CVE-2022-24884 is only available in the Ubuntu Pro archive, and so the tests are guaranteed to fail there. I'm not convinced this is the right approach to handle this. As bionic's time in ESM status grows, this is only going to be more of a problem, so we should come up with a coherent process for this, as well as for things where fixes only live in the Pro Apps archive.

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