Merge lp://staging/~sbaldassin/ubuntu-system-tests/calendar_tests into lp://staging/ubuntu-system-tests

Proposed by Santiago Baldassin
Status: Rejected
Rejected by: Santiago Baldassin
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~sbaldassin/ubuntu-system-tests/calendar_tests
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu-system-tests
Diff against target: 978 lines (+936/-0)
7 files modified
ubuntu_system_tests/helpers/calendar/ (+37/-0)
ubuntu_system_tests/helpers/calendar/ (+44/-0)
ubuntu_system_tests/helpers/calendar/ (+59/-0)
ubuntu_system_tests/helpers/calendar/views/ (+214/-0)
ubuntu_system_tests/helpers/calendar/views/ (+134/-0)
ubuntu_system_tests/helpers/calendar/views/ (+97/-0)
ubuntu_system_tests/helpers/calendar/views/ (+351/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~sbaldassin/ubuntu-system-tests/calendar_tests
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
platform-qa-bot continuous-integration Needs Fixing
Omer Akram Pending
Sergio Cazzolato Pending
Richard Huddie Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

Calendar app helpers

Description of the change

This mp adds the helpers for the calendar app. The helpers were taken from the ubuntu-calendar-app repo and were refactored. The idea of this change is to start organizing the helpers within ubuntu system tests by:
Splitting the views in multiple files in order to avoid huge files that are hard to read
Use constants to identify the elements selectors so that when the selector changes, it would be easier to replicate that change
Removing code from __init__py which should not be there. We should use __ini__py files to initialize the python packages

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Revision history for this message
platform-qa-bot (platform-qa-bot) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)

Unmerged revisions

385. By Santiago Baldassin

Calendar app helpers

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