> 173 + void menuBarDblClicked(); > 174 + void menuBarDragged(QPoint* pos); > > Please use DoubleClicked instead of DblClicked. We generally try to use non- > abbreviated names in unity-2d identifiers as a rule.
This is consistent with the name of the event as exposed by Qt (QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick, see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qevent.html#Type-enum).
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> 173 + void menuBarDblClick ed(); QPoint* pos);
> 174 + void menuBarDragged(
> Please use DoubleClicked instead of DblClicked. We generally try to use non-
> abbreviated names in unity-2d identifiers as a rule.
This is consistent with the name of the event as exposed by Qt (QEvent: :MouseButtonDbl Click, see http:// doc.qt. nokia.com/ qevent. html#Type- enum).