
Created by Guilherme Salgado and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~salgado/offspring/linaro-deps
Only Guilherme Salgado can upload to this branch. If you are Guilherme Salgado please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Guilherme Salgado

Recent revisions

70. By Guilherme Salgado

Use our own dependency repository

69. By Guilherme Salgado

This branch disables the ability to subscribe to notifications of private projects as well as the sending of notifications about private projects

68. By Guilherme Salgado

Update the build failures sidebar to skip private builds the user is not allowed to see, and the queued-builds and build-farm sidebars to simply state it's a private build (without any other information) when the user is not allowed to see them

67. By Guilherme Salgado

Update the builder_details view to omit details of the current job if the user has no rights to see it

66. By Guilherme Salgado

Show a small padlock icon next to private projects on both the list of projects and the list of builds.

65. By James Tunnicliffe

Adding launchpad user name and SSH key storage to database.

64. By Guilherme Salgado

Change the project list view to show private projects the user is allowed to see

63. By Guilherme Salgado

Change the builder list to redact information about private projects the user doesn't have the rights to see.

62. By Guilherme Salgado

Updates BuildRequestHandler to include private objects the user is allowed to see

61. By Guilherme Salgado

Update most of the piston handlers to include private objects the user is allowed to see.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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