
Created by Ryan Ahearn and last modified

This branch will hold the new Back in Time command line interface. This will allow Back in Time to be used more easily on a headless server.

Configuration is functionally complete
run with ./backintime-config

Restore is functionally complete
run with ./backintime-restore

Still to do for both parts:
-add configure script for installing from source - done
-merge to trunk add features added since branch
  -set backup hour for daily/weekly/etc schedules - done
-add packaging files for new backintime-cli binary package - done
-add man pages - done
-attempt to add internationalization - done
-update root project README with instructions for installing cli with dependencies - done

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~ryan-c-ahearn/backintime/command_line_interface
Only Ryan Ahearn can upload to this branch. If you are Ryan Ahearn please log in for upload directions.

Branch merges

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Branch information

Ryan Ahearn
Back In Time

Recent revisions

691. By Ryan Ahearn

Fixed bug in setting the hour to run backintime for daily/weekly/monthly backups

690. By Ryan Ahearn

Added gettext calls to all strings that will be displayed to the user

689. By Ryan Ahearn

Added cli entries to the updateversion script

688. By Ryan Ahearn

Added myself to the AUTHORS file

687. By Ryan Ahearn

Added sections on cli to the README

686. By Ryan Ahearn

Added simple packaging files for backintime-cli

685. By Ryan Ahearn

Uncommented the man page install lines from Makefile.template to get them installed

684. By Ryan Ahearn

Added backintime-config and backintime-restore man pages

683. By Ryan Ahearn

Can now set the backup time for daily, weekly, and monthly backups

682. By Ryan Ahearn

Added ability to name and delete snapshots from restore window

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 6
Repository format:
Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
