
Created by Ricardo Salveti and last modified
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Ricardo Salveti

Recent revisions

12. By Ricardo Salveti

conf/ureadahead*.conf: only run ureadahead on systems with at least
512MB of ram. (LP: #600359)

11. By Tim Gardner

Count the number of CPUs and divide buffer_size_kb by the number of CPUs.
Users should watch for instances of "mmiotrace has lost events" in dmesg to make
sure the trace buffers are not too small. The original value for
buffer_size_kb was chosen somewhat arbitrarily. Empirical testing
has shown that its large enough, so we don't actually know where the lower
boundary lies.
-LP: #491943

10. By Tim Gardner

src/trace.c: Restore buffer_size_kb upon exit

9. By Colin Watson

releasing version 0.100.0-5

8. By Chow Loong Jin

src/pack.c: Amend mount point detection logic to stat the mount point
instead of just comparing major/minor versions with /proc/self/mountinfo
(LP: #570014).

7. By Scott James Remnant (Canonical)

Revert previous upload; had forgotten that the sreadahead package
contains all the clean-up stuff so we want to keep it for the
release upgrade after all.

6. By Scott James Remnant (Canonical)

debian/control: drop sreadahead migration package; dist-upgrade users
will have ureadahead installed by the standard meta-packages.

5. By Scott James Remnant (Canonical)

conf/ureadahead-other.conf: Change from "on mount" to "on mounted",
the former didn't work anyway.

4. By Scott James Remnant (Canonical)

Put an all-important "--" in the dh_auto_configure invocation so that
ureadahead is installed into the right path (/sbin)

3. By Scott James Remnant (Canonical)

* New upstream release:
  - Use external libnih

* debian/control: Add build-dependency on libnih-dev
* debian/rules: Fix installation of apport hook.

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