Merge lp://staging/~rsalveti/ubuntu/maverick/jasper-initramfs/fix-629269 into lp://staging/ubuntu/maverick/jasper-initramfs

Proposed by Ricardo Salveti
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~rsalveti/ubuntu/maverick/jasper-initramfs/fix-629269
Merge into: lp://staging/ubuntu/maverick/jasper-initramfs
Diff against target: 570 lines (+507/-0) (has conflicts)
11 files modified
debian/changelog (+150/-0)
debian/compat (+1/-0)
debian/control (+22/-0)
debian/copyright (+24/-0)
debian/jasper.install (+2/-0)
debian/jasper.triggers (+1/-0)
debian/rules (+3/-0)
debian/source/format (+1/-0)
hooks/jasper (+30/-0)
scripts/local-bottom/jasper_setup (+127/-0)
scripts/local-premount/jasper_growroot (+146/-0)
Conflict adding file debian.  Moved existing file to debian.moved.
Conflict adding file hooks.  Moved existing file to hooks.moved.
Conflict adding file scripts.  Moved existing file to scripts.moved.
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~rsalveti/ubuntu/maverick/jasper-initramfs/fix-629269
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Oliver Grawert Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

Changing boot args to use 1gb for Panda ES2.

Aug 26 14:52:16 <rsalveti> robclark: what are the boot args you're using for es2?
Aug 26 14:52:28 <rsalveti> I interested at the mem argument
Aug 26 14:52:50 <rsalveti> do we need to let any free chunk available?
Aug 26 15:20:48 <robclark> rsalveti: root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait rw mem=460M@0x80000000 mem=512M@0xA0000000 console=ttyO2,115200n8 vram=8M omapfb.vram=0:8M
Aug 26 15:21:58 <rsalveti> robclark: hm, ok, and who uses the other free megabytes between 460 and 512?
Aug 26 15:22:28 <robclark> rsalveti: for ducati
Aug 26 15:22:58 <robclark> if you aren't using the hw accelerated video codecs, then you don't need it
Aug 26 15:23:45 <rsalveti> robclark: hm, ok, makes sense
Aug 26 15:23:46 <robclark> (and some point, in the next release or two, they will start dynamically allocating the memory for coprocessors.. but not sure when that will be exactly)
Aug 26 15:23:47 <rsalveti> thanks :-)

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Unmerged revisions

70. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing version 0.16

69. By Ricardo Salveti

Add correct mem argument for Panda ES2 (for 1gb) (LP: #629269)

68. By Oliver Grawert

releasing version 0.15

67. By Oliver Grawert

add a hack to work around bug 625108 during maverick beta until the kernel is fixed

66. By Oliver Grawert

releasing version 0.14

65. By Oliver Grawert

jasper_growroot: do not exit if fsck exits with 1 (i.e. if last mount time doesnt match RTC)

64. By Oliver Grawert

releasing version 0.13

63. By Oliver Grawert

update changelog

62. By Oliver Grawert

jasper_setup: switch / mount to noatime

61. By Oliver Grawert

jasper_growroot: small fixes, jasper_setup: disable swap file creation (temporary), add sysctl.d file to switch kernel to less disk writes, default to noop elevator on kernel cmdline, add more output (temporary)

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