
Created by Ricardo Salveti and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~rsalveti/ubuntu-touch-session/sync-version
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Branch information

Ricardo Salveti
Ubuntu Touch session manager

Recent revisions

250. By Ricardo Salveti

releasing package ubuntu-touch-session version 0.108+15.04.20141210.1-0ubuntu2

249. By Ricardo Salveti

obexd.conf: adding upstart job for the obexd service (for BT PBAP)

248. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 0.108+15.04.20141210.1-0ubuntu1

247. By Tiago Salem Herrmann

Wait for ofono in order to create telepathy accounts. Fixes: #1399769

246. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 0.108+15.04.20141210-0ubuntu1

245. By Ted Gould

Use a POSIX style sequence instead of a Bash specific one Fixes: #1401080

244. By CI Train Bot Account

Releasing 0.108+15.04.20141209-0ubuntu1

243. By Ted Gould

Override indicator sound to wait for Pulse to be ready Fixes: #1389008, #1391954

242. By Oliver Grawert

releasing package ubuntu-touch-session version 0.108+15.04.20141111-0ubuntu2

241. By Oliver Grawert

revert revision 238

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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